Friday, December 08, 2006

The Goat, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

The film Chronicles of Narnia has many a strange, goat-like creature to ponder. I am not sure how some of them ended up that way; I shudder to think!!

If I were the starring goat, I would just get the matter over with by head butting the witch, and eating all the wardrobe.

Here is Mr. Tumnus, a very distant relative. He's a faun. There's a slight family resemblance from the waist down, but I can assure you with a face like that he'd never be a grand champion in any show I'd compete in.

Then there is this fellow. He'll never win any beauty contests either.

I haven't seen the whole movie yet but I hope the goats win! Peace, out!

Monday, December 04, 2006

A Wether of Earthsea

What put the idea into my head for this blog was Ursula LeGuin's classic, A Wizard of Earthsea. This book introduces Ged (Sparrowhawk), a humble goatherd with an innate talent for magic.

His first less-than-ept attempt at casting a spell caused all his goats to crowd around him and hound him all the way back to the village. He must have had cookies in his pocket!

This still from the movie looks

Then there is this saucy little shot:

I think I recognize this goat. I wonder what other movies she has been in?

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Neil Gamin was kind enough to reply to my inquiry on his site about the goats in Stardust:

He recently posted a link to this photo from the upcoming film version featuring Michelle Pfieffer and friends:

The film is in post post now and should be out by summer 2007. Keep up with the news on Neil Gaiman's Journal.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Goats Across Space and Time

I am Princess Grace of BaaBaaDoo Farm, daughter of Grand Champion Sol-Orr Gangster and CornerStone Faith.

This blog is my tribute to my fictional and fantastical kinfolk who have been featured in fantasy, science fiction, and speculative fiction. Please help me compile a list of resources and references in print and cinematic form. I will do my best, but it is difficult to type with cloven hooves and I don't get to stay by the computer for very long since I am not housebroken.