Friday, January 12, 2007

Strange Wether

Well, I have taken a hiatus for the holidays. It was so warm and lovely here there was too much green grass to munch, and I have been busy nibbling the tender tips of all the yummy spring bulbs that are poking up out of the ground in confusion.

I can feel it in my bones, this strange weather cannot be a good omen. It gives me the goat willies. The long, luxurious beautiful hair on my back stands on end when I think about how these earth changes are affecting my kindred around the globe.

Speaking of willies, next week will be devoted to scary, creepy, evil caprine kind. In the meantime, to leave you with a pleasant image for the weekend, here are two of my cousins who just got their big "brake" in a major motion picture. From the film Stardust, this is Michelle Pfieffer as the evil old crone witch (go figure!) driving her chariot pulled by a she-goat and formerly-human he-goat (lucky him!).

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